Grace vs. Law

I think it best to look up the word grace in any “good” dictionary. Once you see the definition, and don’t just play ‘pick and choose,’ then take that and look at the Scripture. We are called children of God. Do children just get a free pass because Daddy did it already? We are just children and we should act like we know who we are. Children, yes, but is there a time when we see past ourselves? Will we ever grow up? For even in times of “law” there is grace. God’s grace is forever. Yet we need to understand what stage of grace we should be living in.

There is a grace given to children. Just as you don’t expect anything from your toddler. Whatever they do, they are forgiven because they don’t yet understand. This idea changes, hopefully, when the toddler becomes a child, definitely before the child becomes a teen.

Then, there is the grace given us under “law”. Where there is someone who is willing to “cosign”, pay etc.. Of course, there are still requirements for those who receive that grace.

As well we all know Jesus said “it is finished”. So we don’t have to do anything because it is all done for us? Don’t think that will go over too well in the course of life. “Hey Judge, I don’t have to keep the speed limit ’cause Daddy never broke that law.” Just don’t ask me to post your bail, or pay your fine.

Let’s face it. Sooner or later we all have to grow up. We all have to learn to see past ourselves and care for others around us. So, if you die and go to heaven, what did you leave to make the world a better place?

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