Name Calling?

Name calling gets us nowhere. Just because one doesn’t believe as you do, doesn’t mean they are ‘satanists’. There are many Christians who don’t even realize who Jesus is.

He is The Word of God. The Word God spoke, from the heart. The Word God wrote, with His own finger. The Word God made flesh and called Him, Son.

Jesus, The Son, The Word is The Law that hung on the cross and is written upon hearts. Without The Word, This Jesus, no one shall enter into the Kingdom.

In Deut.6:8-9 God tells us how to enter into His Word, His Son. There are many paths to Jesus because anyone can show someone who Jesus is and provide The Word for them. Only through Jesus may we get to the Father.

We the body of Jesus can lead anyone to Jesus, many paths. Once in Jesus, they go through Jesus to get to the Father.

If one sees many paths, maybe they have yet to find Jesus because Christians won’t teach the public who He is. Instead of condemning others maybe we should see the lack of understanding in ourselves. We are all God’s children, vessels for the spirit we choose to follow. If you see someone wrong, teach, and show them The Spirit of Jesus, The Ten Commandments.